FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Walnut Creek CDROM 1-800-786-9907 Nebula CDROM for NeXTSTEP Intel now available. Walnut Creek, Calif., November 1, 1993 - Walnut Creek CDROM is proud to announced the immediate availability of the Nebula CDROM for NeXTSTEP Intel Computers. This is the second NeXTSTEP product from Walnut Creek who also produces the Nova CDROM for NeXT Black hardware. Based on the success and feedback from the users of the Nova, Walnut Creek wanted to support NeXTSTEP for Intel. What will NeXTSTEP for Intel users find on this disc? They will find the largest collection of applications presently available with applications in such categories as utilities, games, general productivity. They will also find graphics in tiff, PostScript, gif and login panels. Also on the disc is a large collection fonts and sounds plus many other files. Programmers will be happy to note that almost all the applications on the disc comes with complete source code making the Nebula a valuable reference for NeXTSTEP programmers. Each directory on the disk contains an index listing filename, version, author and a short description of each file. A central index is also included which can be used with Digital Librarian to quickly locate the file your looking for. NeXTSTEP 3.1 or above for Intel processors is required to use this disc. Nebula is available immediately from Walnut Creek CDROM at a retail price of $59.95. For more information contact: Walnut Creek CDROM 1547 Palos Verdes Mall, Suite 260 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 1 800 786-9907 +1 510 947-5996 +1 510 947-1644 FAX or (Electronic Mail) Walnut Creek CDROM markets a wide range of CDROM products for a variety of platforms such as NeXT, Sun, MS-DOS/Windows, Macintosh and Amiga. All trademarks mentioned belong to their respective owners